Ko nga papanga papanga puru kaore i whatu mo te horoi ahumahi

Whakaahuatanga Poto:

Ko o matou papanga Woodpulp/Polyester Spunlace Nonwoven he mea hangai te kounga teitei o te rakau rakau me te whakakotahitanga muka, kaore he taapiri e aukati ana i te ngongo.Ko enei papanga he tino pai ki te whakarato i te horoi tino e hiahiatia ana i roto i nga umanga penei i te hikohiko, te hangarau koiora, te rongoa, me te whakaputa hiko.Hei taapiri, he rite tonu te whai hua ki nga momo tono penei i te mahi miihini, te whakarite mo te tono paninga, me te hanga hiato.

Taipitopito Hua

Tohu Hua


· Rauemi: Woodpulp+Polyester /Polypropylene/Viscose
· Taumaha turanga: 40-110g/m2
· Whānui: ≤2600mm
· Matotoru: 0.18-0.35mm
· Te ahua: he maamaa, he tuwhera ranei, he tauira
· Tae: ma ,tae

· He tino pokekore—ko nga ipu kahore he here, he toenga matū, he poke, he heu whakarewa ranei ka puta he kino te mata, he mahi ano ranei.
· Maamaa—he tino pai te kaha o te MD me te CD ka iti ake te hopu i nga wahanga hinengaro me nga kokonga koi
· Ka nui ake te tere o te ngongo ka tere ake te whakaoti i nga mahi horoi
· Ka awhina te mahi iti-lint ki te whakaiti i nga koha me te poke
· Ka mau i te waipiro isopropyl, MEK, MPK, me etahi atu whakarewa taikaha me te kore e pakaru.
· He utu pai —he tino mimiti, he iti ake te horoi hei whakaoti i te mahi, ka iti ake te muru hei whakakore


· Ma te mata hiko
· Te tiaki taputapu taumaha
· Te whakarite i te mata i mua i te paninga, te hiri, te tono whakapiri ranei
· Nga taiwhanga me nga waahi whakaputa
· Nga ahumahi tā
· Te whakamahi rongoa: koroka pokai, tauera haumanu, uhi pokai, mapi mapi me te kanohi kanohi, koti wehenga parakore, kakahu whakamarumaru me nga kakahu moenga.
·horoi whare

40 45 50 55 60 68 80
WAHI WAHI g ±2.0 ±2.5 ±3.0 ±3.5
Te kaha pakaru (N/5cm) MD≥ N/50mm 70 80 90 110 120 160 200
CD≥ 16 18 25 28 35 50 60
Te roanga pakaru (%) MD≤ % 25 24 25 30 28 35 32
CD≤ 135 130 120 115 110 110 110
Mātotoru mm 0.22 0.24 0.25 0.26 0.3 0.32 0.36
Te kaha o te wai-absorbability % ≥450
Te tere o te horomanga s ≤2
Rewet % ≤4
1.I runga i te comoposition o 55% woodpulp me 45% PET
2.Customers'requirement wātea

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